The mission of the WNC Jewish Genealogical Society is to share genealogical information, techniques, and research tools with people interested in Jewish genealogy and family history.
JWNCGS welcomes all members in Western Carolina. Anyone interested in Jewish genealogy, regardless of religion or heritage, from anywhere in the region is welcome to become a member. Our sessions feature presentations from members and from noted names from the Jewish (and non-Jewish) genealogical world. In addition to our meetings, our members have access to a number of resources, including:
- All genealogy publications
- The IAJGS Cemetery Project
- Webinairs concerning Jewish Genealogy
- Help from experts all over the world in the field
Please find the application to join the WNC Genealogy Society meetings at the JCC here. The meetings require a $27 membership for the year, which gives access to all databases and research that are on the The International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS) website. Please make the check out to the Asheville JCC for $27 ($37 for couples).
For more information, please contact Barbara Weitz weitzb@fiu.edu Barbara Newman newman.barbara49@yahoo.com or Leonard Koenick lkoenick40@verizon.net