Community Hanukkah Celebrations & Resources

Click here to view Visit Asheville’s video of Executive Director Ashley Lasher’s family latke recipe

Click here for an entire playlist of Hanukkah songs recorded by Song Leader Penny White!

Click here for a menu of Hanukkah dishes and recipes.

Click here for the JCC Jewish Lifelong Engagement Director’s menorah lighting instructions and blessings.

Click here for a beautiful performance of “Light one Candle” by Geri Garfinkel-Gershon and Penny White.
Community Hanukkah Events

1st Night of Hanukkah: Sunday, Nov. 28
Congregation Beth Israel
Virtual Candle Lighting
6 PM
Zoom link can be found here.

2nd Night of Hanukkah: Monday, Nov. 29
Congregation Beth Israel
Virtual Candle Lighting
6 PM
Zoom link can be found here.

3rd Night of Hanukkah: Tuesday, Nov. 30
Giving Tuesday
Support your community on Giving Tuesday by giving to the JCC and giving Jewish books to local children. Find more information on how to give here.
Asheville JCC
Outdoor Candle Lighting
5-5:30 PM at the JCC
On the third night of Hanukkah, which is also Giving Tuesday, join us for a special candle lighting in the main courtyard featuring song leader Penny White and our huge 6-foot menorah. All are welcome to drop in for music, celebration, and light!
Congregation Beth Israel
Virtual Candle Lighting
6 PM
Zoom link can be found here.

4th Night of Hanukkah: Wednesday, Dec. 1
Congregation Beth Israel
Pop Up Hanukkah Museum
CBI will be hosting a ‘pop-up’ Hanukkah Museum with over Hanukkah menorahs (hanukkiot) on display for the CBI family, greater Jewish community, and general community to come and view. This COVID-friendly celebration of Hanukkah will allow for small, masked gatherings to view the exhibit.
Click here to choose a time to visit.
Virtual Candle Lighting
6 PM
Zoom link can be found here.

5th Night of Hanukkah: Thursday, Dec. 2
Congregation Beth Israel
Pop Up Hanukkah Museum
CBI will be hosting a ‘pop-up’ Hanukkah Museum with over Hanukkah menorahs (hanukkiot) on display for the CBI family, greater Jewish community, and general community to come and view. This COVID-friendly celebration of Hanukkah will allow for small, masked gatherings to view the exhibit.
Click here to choose a time to visit.
Virtual Candle Lighting
6 PM
Zoom link can be found here.

6th Night of Hanukkah: Friday, Dec. 3
Congregation Beth HaTephila
6:30 PM
Hanukkah Shabbat live stream service. Find more information here
Congregation Beth Israel
Pop Up Hanukkah Museum
CBI will be hosting a ‘pop-up’ Hanukkah Museum with over Hanukkah menorahs (hanukkiot) on display for the CBI family, greater Jewish community, and general community to come and view. This COVID-friendly celebration of Hanukkah will allow for small, masked gatherings to view the exhibit.
Click here to choose a time to visit.
Virtual Candle Lighting
6 PM
Zoom link can be found here.

7th Night of Hanukkah: Saturday, Dec. 4
Congregation Beth Israel
Pop Up Hanukkah Museum
CBI will be hosting a ‘pop-up’ Hanukkah Museum with over Hanukkah menorahs (hanukkiot) on display for the CBI family, greater Jewish community, and general community to come and view. This COVID-friendly celebration of Hanukkah will allow for small, masked gatherings to view the exhibit.
Click here to choose a time to visit.
Virtual Candle Lighting
6 PM
Zoom link can be found here.

8th Night of Hanukkah: Sunday, Dec. 5
Congregation Beth Israel
Pop Up Hanukkah Museum
CBI will be hosting a ‘pop-up’ Hanukkah Museum with over Hanukkah menorahs (hanukkiot) on display for the CBI family, greater Jewish community, and general community to come and view. This COVID-friendly celebration of Hanukkah will allow for small, masked gatherings to view the exhibit.
Click here to choose a time to visit.
Virtual Candle Lighting
6 PM
Zoom link can be found here.