Did you know that it is a Pesach mitzvah to open your Passover Seder to strangers? Are you hoping to find a Passover Seder to attend? The JCC is heading […]
Past President Adrienne Kort to Give J-Talk at JCCA Biennial
Adrienne Kort will be one of five participants in a Young Leaders J-talk session starting at 11:45 a.m. EST during the JCCs of North America Biennial Convention in San Diego, […]
Scholarships available for new overnight summer camp in Colorado!
Children in grades 7 through 12 interested in attending overnight summer camp are now eligible for scholarships to attend Camp Inc., a new JCC summer camp in Boulder, Colo., that […]
Breast cancer survivors eligible for survivorship kits
Attention Breast Cancer survivors: Whether you were diagnosed 10 weeks ago, 10 months ago, or 10 years ago, Sharsheret, the national Jewish breast cancer organization, has a free, tailored survivorship […]
Pliner Grants Available for Female Jewish Students
Jewish female students residing in North or South Carolina who are interested in furthering their post-secondary education are eligible for scholarships of up to $5,000. The Rosalyn Saltz and Norman […]
Jewish Veterans Group Forming
Organizers are in in the process of creating an Asheville chapter of the Jewish War Veterans and are seeking members. The WNC Post of the JWV of the United States […]